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We colLABorate with farmers including those in Australia’s Goulburn Valley to bring you a dairy milk which is specially crafted to perform with espresso coffee. The Goulburn Valley is home to some of the longest serving Aussie dairy farmers who help supply us with our freshly sourced milk.
– 100% Australian dairy milk
– Free from artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and added sugar

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SKU: (MNM) 1002 Kategori:


The best coffee deserves a better milk.
Milklab is Australian collaboration designed to texture and stretch with espresso based coffee. Proudly designed and validated by some of the world’s hottest emerging baristas and coffee professionals.
Milklab has created a great selection of good tasting milk to go with your cup of coffee.

Size: 1000 ml
We colLABorate with farmers including those in Australia’s Goulburn Valley to bring you a dairy milk which is specially crafted to perform with espresso coffee. The Goulburn Valley is home to some of the longest serving Aussie dairy farmers who help supply us with our freshly sourced milk.
– 100% Australian dairy milk
– Free from artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and added sugar

Ingredient: Dairy Milk

Info Product:

  • Shelf Life 9 Month
  • Dry storage
  • No need to store at chiller
  • Ready to drink

Informasi Tambahan

Berat 1000 g